Saturday, November 14, 2009

Katie vs. The Chicken

Every so often I do something so incredibly embarassing that I think "oh man, the whole village is going to know about this by tomorrow":

My family has recently moved their chicken coop from the front of the house to the back. This has resulted in mass confusion on behalf of the chickens, and never-ending frustration for my older brother who has to round up said confused chickens every evening and hand-place them in the newer, rennovated chicken coop behind the house. I had just gotten home after a very long day at school to witness this chicken rodeo of sorts for the fourth day in a row. I headed towards the cooking hut to eat dinner, still wearing my long sampot, when all of a sudden, a terrified chicken in a last ditch effort to avoid being plucked up by my older brother who, to the chicken, could surely be up to no good, decided my sampot was a GREAT place hide.


I was not expecting this, to say the least. After all, hiding in the foreginer's sampot seems too savy of an idea for a chicken. Not so! I screamed, the chicken squaked as loud as possible, and then I jumped about three feet in the air. My entire family watched the whole thing unfold, and immediately after the chicken ran off, they burst into never-ending peals of laughter. Now, a week later, my little brother Nutt still references it whenever he sees me and then chuckles to himself. All I can say is that chicken better hide from me, because I am going to drop hints to my grandma as soon as I get back home that I'd really like a nice chicken dinner...

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